After many years of aspirin being given to prevent heart attack and stroke, scientists now see that this method offers few benefits and for some may even be dangerous.
AgroWeb.org introduces you to this article as to why aspirin poses this type of risk.
What studies show
According to recent studies supported by AgroWeb.org, most people over the age of 60 should not start taking aspirin daily for primary prevention of heart problems.
If you are between 40 and 59 years old, you and your doctor in specific circumstances can decide if you should take an aspirin daily.
This is because aspirin can expose you to a higher risk of bleeding in the stomach or brain.
They say that if you are a healthy 40-year-old without significant risk factors, you will do more harm than good. The risk of bleeding will increase even more.
But if you have had a heart attack, stroke or other heart and blood circulation problems and your doctor has recommended it, do not stop taking it.
How does aspirin work?
Aspirin works by protecting your body from the creation of some natural substances that cause pain and swelling.
It can also prevent blood clots, the main reason why doctors recommend it.
But according to these studies, your doctor should consider your age and real risk before giving you this medicine.
Because the risk of bleeding in some people, such as those with peptic ulcer disease, may increase.
However, researchers say that aspirin still works when it comes to heart disease, especially in places where other medicines are unaffordable.
But remember that to protect heart health, you can take other steps as well.
In 90% of cases, healthy eating, good sleep, physical activity and stress reduction have been shown to play a very important role.
And these not only for heart health but also for overall health.
It is much easier to prevent than to cure, experts say./Agroweb
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