The causes of abdominal pain are different. Treatment cures are entirely dependent on the cause. Some pain can be relieved by eliminating spicy foods, some with medication, while some others require immediate medical attention.
Determining the severity of pain can not be done completely by the person himself, however there are some symptoms that make up an alarm bell.
When You Should Go To The Doctor Urgently
According to the data, stomach pain can be a symptom of some life threatening disease. This includes appendicitis and intestinal obstruction. Stomach pain is considered urgent if:
-You are pregnant,
-The pain starts within a week after performing a surgical intervention,
-You have undergone a gastric bypass or bowel intervention,
-The abdominal area is enlarged, strengthened or darkened,
-You have bleeding,
-You have difficulty breathing,
-You have chest tightness,
-You have dizziness, neck and shoulder pain,
-You have vision problems.
-In such cases one should not wait for the pain to go away on its own but go to the nearest medical center.
When You Should Contact Your Doctor
There are other cases when the stomach pain is strong but there is no need to go to the medical center. You should contact your doctor within 1-2 days if:
-You have pain and nausea when you eat,
-You have diarrhea that lasts for more than five days,
-You have a high temperature that lasts over three days,
-You have a loss of appetite,
-The pain does not go away after a day or two.
When Stomach Pain Is Not Urgent
If the abdominal pain is mild and is not accompanied by any of the above symptoms, then they go away on their own. Such pains can be caused by problems such as: constipation, gas, fatty foods or spicy ones. These pains usually go away on their own after a few hours. To alleviate the situation in the stomach, make sure you drink as much fluid as possible and consume foods that according to popular terms ‘collect’ the stomach. Do not consume fatty, spicy foods or drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine. We advise you to drink mint tea or mint for pain relief./AgroWeb
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