Democratic Party MP Gazment Bardhi, said that he supports every voice that joins the political action against a certain issue, referring here to MP Shehaj, but added that Shehaj was in line with the standard that Berisha has decided to cover every word of colleagues others.
Bardhi, in addition to the abusive case of Minister Xhaçka’s husband, said that the minister’s sister-in-law has also opened a company where 500 million euros have been invested, for which she called for an investigation.
Bardhi: I basically support any voice that is added to a certain action. What I want to point out is that instead of being an additional place, Shehaj was in line with the standard that Berisha has set to face every word of other colleagues.
One of the cases why we wanted to set up the Commission of Inquiry was the case of his wife Xhaçka. There is no need for further investigation by the parliament as the letters are there. We will follow any procedure, even sending the issue of setting up the commission of inquiry for strategic investments to the Constitutional Court.
The other issue that needs to be investigated is for the second company that is in the name of an American citizen, Xhaçka’s sister-in-law, where 500 million euros have been invested and where all this money should come from and whether it has been declared. In cases where they have been declared, other authorities are responsible. A ruin has been made with the properties on the coast. The origin of this property will have to be verified.
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