Dinosaurs survived a flu pandemic 150 million years ago, say American paleontologists.
They have found traces of a flu-like respiratory illness on the bones of a diplomat named Dolly. Expert Cary Woodruf says the disease has spread rapidly among Earth giants, as they are otherwise known, causing coughing, sneezing and fever.
But he did not kill them, because they survived for another 100 million years. “Such an infection had not been discovered before, so this discovery opens for us a valuable window into the past, because it shows that millions of years ago, before vaccines and medicines were invented, they suffered from the same symptoms that we experience. todaySays Woodruff.
Diagnosing diseases in dinosaurs is not an easy task, for the simple fact that neither their organs nor soft tissues have survived the test of time. However, the expert explains that they had air pockets in their bones to help them breathe, which means that respiratory diseases could spread there as well.
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