Fiks Fare denounced a scandal that took place in the hospital of Velika Dibra, in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, regarding the bonuses that the Ministry of Health has awarded to the personnel serving in the ward of Covid 19.
People fighting the front line with the covid virus 19 in Debar in northern Macedonia receive a 30,000 dinars bonus (about 600 euros) from the Ministry of Health. But this bonus has not been received by exactly these people such as the emergency staff going to the home of people who show signs of illness. Although they risk their health and deserve the bonus from the ministry of health the emergency staff has been expelled.
In their place, the bonus of 30,000 dinars has benefited people such as Baki Alili with the status of director of the hospital, Bukurije Alili with the status of director’s wife and Sihana Koleci who holds the status of wife of the secretary of the hospital. have benefited from the bonus which includes these persons. Journalists also prove what work these people do to benefit from the 30,000 dinars bonus given by the health ministry to all those who are in the front line in the fight against the virus.
The director’s wife works at the hospital reception to admit patients for tests. The secretary’s wife works as a vaccinator, while the hospital director himself is an otolaryngologist. But should these people benefit from the bonus? The reporters of the show Fiks Fare go to get a response in the hospital. In this institution they meet the director Baki Alili. He says that I can not talk about this because he himself is in a conflict of interest and can not go against himself. The director also calls the secretary in the office, whose wife has won the bonus. The director says that the secretary worked hard recently and deserved a bonus, but because they could not justify the bonus for the secretary, they passed this bonus to his wife. Journalists ask the director for a document showing how the bonus was distributed the first and second time, but the director denies having such a document. So the bonuses are distributed without having a list of persons who have benefited and signed to receive it.
Journalists ask who compiled the list of people who benefit from the bonus and the director answers that they did it together as a staff. Meanwhile, Fiksi asks why people who deserve it are left out of this list? Acknowledging that persons who are at the forefront of the fight against the virus as emergency staff have been excluded from this list, the response from the director is that they have once ‘respected’ these persons. Also asked by Fiksi, the director claims that it is not documented in writing, but they got it from the ministry on the phone, telling him that he acted in the right way to distribute the bonus.
Fiks journalists call the Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. Ilir Hasani to get a more detailed answer to this problem. Deputy Minister Hasani categorically denies that he is aware of this issue, but that he needs time to get the right information and then he will return the answer for the show Fiks Fare!
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