“Big Brother” asks them to organize a music competition.
The jury will be Beatrix, Big Mama and dj Dagz.
The lyrics of the songs that will have to be sung with the background music will be available.
The jury will give points for each of them judging on the basis of vocals and performance with votes from 1 to 10.
In the first phase, the jury will advance to the finals with 4 competitors who will perform again but with other songs.
Upon completion of the performance the jury must decide unanimously on the winner.
The order of performance will be as follows:
Monika with the song “Sonata” by Eli Farës.
Sarah with the song “Tavolina e bërzisë” by Elvana Gjata.
Pm also Angel: “Promises” by Mozzik and Kida.
Donald with the song “Refuzoj” by Alban Skënderaj.
Iliri: “Here I am” by Ardi Gjebrea.
Antonela with the song “Celësi i Zemrës” by Xhensila Myrtezaj.
Meridian: “Bicycle” by Francesc Radi.
Beniada: “I finished” by Fifi.
Arjola: “Our fate, hope and stupidity” by Aurela Gaçe.
The winner will receive a bonus.
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