The meeting of Mevlani and Efit brought frequent reactions of Bledi in the studio, commenting on every moment of the meeting.
The jealousy he felt for Efin was seen in the reactions he made. The situation in the studio was often tense and Bledi told Efit that he saw that he was behaving the same way with both.
“I have the same behavior with 2, you had with 5,” Efi told.
At one point Bora asks Bledi if there is a rivalry between Bledi and Mevlani.
Bora: Is there a rivalry between you?
Bledi: I do not feel rivalry.
Efi then made it clear to Bled that he really likes his speech and demeanor, but there is something missing. But even for Mevlani did not hesitate to make positive comments about the positive feeling he gives.
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