Mayor Voltana Ademi has announced that she will not run in the March 6 elections. Through a post on Facebook, he expresses his gratitude to everyone who has supported him and that “are the motive not to stop”.
She said that she has decided not to participate in the “primaries” that will take place tomorrow to determine the candidate for mayor in Shkodra after judging that she enters the race with an advantage over all other colleagues.
He did not leave without commenting on the situation in the DP, saying that the history of the last 31 years, gives every DP member the right to be proud and find motivation to move forward, despite the “incidents” of the moment.
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For 7 years we continue together a journey, which in many stages has not been easy. When I took over the candidacy as mayor of Shkodra in 2015, I knew it would not be an easy challenge. The new territorial division significantly increased the number of inhabitants, the area of administration but also with them, the responsibility to do the best possible for our Shkodra.
I knew that I would not miss the support not only of the Democrats but of all the people of Shkodra in good faith. In fact, I have felt this support in every second of my work. When the workload, daily problems increased and required quick solutions, many times I went out of the office and met people. My desire has increased to move forward, to overcome difficulties and obstacles, together with people and for people.
In these 7 years, I have tried to give my best, my best. The principles of my work in the administration of our common home – Shkodra, have been honesty, dedication and transparency. I believe that despite the difficulties that have accompanied us almost every day of our work, both I and we, all together, have placed another important “stone” in our progress, with the aim of improving our lives.
Today, Shkodra, but also Albania, are at a moment when the most basic principles of the functioning of a democracy are discussed. Everything, every link of society is being monopolized or has already been monopolized by the regime in power. Each of us, even if we do not say it out loud, thinks this fact. The existence of a real opposition, necessary to maintain the balance of normal functioning of a state, which aspires to be part of the nations of the European Union, is also being questioned.
The situation is alarming. But as for everything, as these 7 years of our common journey have taught us, there is an alternative, there is a solution. Unity, the opposition to evil and the negative phenomena that accompany it, based on our values, on those that unite us and not on those few, small things that at the moment, seem to be able to divide us. Of course, this point first requires that all of us, before the personal interest of the moment, the desire to think as an individual, should think about Shkodra, our big beautiful house. We owe this to the memory of our ancestors, us but especially our children. Our responsibility is not to think and work for today but for tomorrow, to be better than today.
On these bases I have built my public activity, in all positions entrusted to me, not only in politics and local administration but also in teaching or as a freelancer. It is difficult, there are many obstacles but there is no other way but to move forward, straight, relying not only on principles, but also on people of good will who fortunately have not missed and will never miss Shkodra and Albania.
As you are all aware, the President of the Republic has decreed by-elections for the Municipality of Shkodra. These elections should have been held in 2019, when it was defined by the Constitution and the law. For reasons already known, for responsibilities exercised or absent even in excess or violation of the law, it was decided to take place on March 6, 2022. In the election period May-April 2023, ordinary local elections will be held in all municipalities of the country. While these partial local elections will give Shkodra as well as 6 other municipalities, a local leader for a year.
On January 5 of this year, we have approved the budget for 2022, based on the priorities that the residents of the Municipality of Shkodra have set as priorities. I am hopeful that the implementation of this budget will further improve our lives, with better investments and quality services for all. I am very pleased that as in other years, even in this last year of what can be called the “second term”, we have made a quality co-distribution.
Because of my family background, I have been part of the large Democratic family, the Democratic Party, for many, many years. From 1990, I started a gradual journey, convinced that it is the best alternative for Shkodra and Shkodra, Albania and Albanians. The history of the last 31 years gives every DP member the right to be proud and find motivation to move forward, despite the “incidents” of the moment. I feel very appreciated by the support I have received and continue to receive from the Democratic Party, its members, colleagues and friends within our political family.
This support from the Democrats accompanied me even these days. In the process of proposing candidacies for mayor for the elections of March 6, 2022, I am among the most voted. Gratitude and thanks are the least I can say for all the democrats of the Municipality of Shkodra, they are the motive for me not to stop but to walk together with everyone towards a better Shkodra and Albania for all.
I am the acting mayor of Shkodra. Due to this position, the previous public positions that have been entrusted to me but also due to my ten-year engagement in the Democratic Party, I have decided not to participate in the “primaries” that will take place on January 30, 2022 to determine the candidate for mayor in Shkodra. I judge that I enter the race with an advantage over all other colleagues, for the reasons I mentioned above.
I am in support of every Democrat, of the structures to which I feel obliged to evaluate on an ongoing basis. Voltana Ademi does not avoid any challenge, but within our political family, we must all be equal among equals, to have our opportunities and spaces to contribute to the DP, Shkodra and Albania.
The elections held these 31 years, even those of April 25, 2022, have identified individuals with broad support not only within the Democrats but also the citizens of Shkodra. My voice, support and vote will unite with all the democrats of Shkodra, that on January 30, 2022, in the “primaries” of the DP, to identify the best, the best, the one who has the widest support. It is the best service we do to Shkodra, today and tomorrow. After January 30, we will be and must all be together, an even bigger team, strong and united, to continue the unstoppable journey for the good of our common home, Shkodra.
Only all together we win, only all together we overcome the great evil that has gripped this country, only all together we will build a better tomorrow than today!
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