Russia’s war in Ukraine will divide Europe again. The East will be separated from the West, and the border between them is likely to be a dangerous area, militarily overseen for the foreseeable future. Of course, we do not know how and when the war will end.
But following recent developments, it seems safe to assume how Ukraine and Moldova will become candidatese for membership in the European Union, and then membere me te right tefull within a few years. The leaders of the three largest EU member states (France, Germany and Italy) and te Romania, made this clear when they visited Kiev last week.
They offered full support per membershipn e Ukrainian and Moldovan ne unionas he didALSO European Commission ae daye me bye. This process of expansion, do tor radically change the EU, transforming it firmly into a playere geopoliticale, AND ne fact in Russia’s main adversary on the continent.
With his war in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it absolutely clear that synon te rindertoje The Russian Empire. Sheepe kete functionhe is acting on principles that are completely incompatible with those of Breunification EUROPEAN, qe it is based on equal sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and the rule of law.
The EU has decided ta pranoje Ukraine ne her bay no because do, or because to ambitiont sajimperial, but because Putin e forced te acted keSat. Russian President nisi fightduke e vene SOUTH perballe a choiceare between two clear alternatives:Or Europe do t‘is subject to the Kremlin’s claims to power, or may defend its identity and interests, based on respect for human rights and democratic principles.
The EU has done alreadye its election, favoring the protection of the principles of persons AND those of freedom. Some critics of her decision, will say she should have tried to negotiate with Russia. But such arguments lack credibility.
Even if Brukresidency it would be READY to mediate a dubious compromise with the Kremlin, this initiativee would not have worked, AFTER The EU is currently located ne a position that is mutually exclusive from Putin’s, AND qe based ne his revisionist dream for newbuilding of Reichse Russiane.
Since neither party can surrender, we we must anticipate a protracted conflict. And given that military strength and preventive capabilities, will play in order to unavoidable a crucial role, war will te eventually change ALSO the character of the EU.
Economic integration project, will not be anymore so proud per values qe haul. From now on, security and geopolitical interests, should be the first ne liste. Statement of support for the candidacies of Ukraine and Moldova, marks the beginning of the second phase of EU enlargement to the east.
Although accepting none of keto 2 countries will not happen soon, the process itself will have an irreversible effect. Europe of the future, will no longer be feasible without Eastern European states, providedin that ato to remain readye and aftor for t‘joined.
The reason is moree simple. When coming the time of an idea, it is unstoppable. Conversely, an idea whose time has elapsed can only last if supported by military power.. Not even her will not save him in the end. The new conflict between Europe and Russia, deals PRINCIPALLY with ideas.
It is an ideological clash between imperialism and democracy. Given the historical significance of this development, Europeano-pwesternt should not t‘subject to none Business DELUSIONi komod ne about the risks with which yes face. The current European order, was built initially circle gOAL of integration between Russia and Europe.
But Putin did speerrugold irreversibly keto project. it eise alreadye one thing qe iperket of the past. With the war in Ukraine, Europe is facing a test maturity. ornot already founde in a world defined by the rivalries of the great powers and the nuclear ones.
Ne Like it or not, these are the geopolitical realities of the early 2020s. In the absence of an ongoing alliance with the United States, in its current fragile state, Europe it would be too weak to survive in this arena. Fr.e can not shpebene te only with interests or values.
The alternative is that Europe tor acknowledge its current weakness, and get caught up in fantastic illusions. it path e Whaton straight submissiont and addictionse. Ajo nuk can hope to findnje mutual consideration in a world of dictated by the rivalry of the great powers.
Therefore Mr.Europe’s only real choice, is to jete PARTICIPATIONe e alliancewidower careful, develop its power, and build their own preventive skills. A coherent strategy for t‘surviving the new ideological conflict, should replace sa me pare constant illusionsunsubstantialofste. Europe must tor admit that he is living in a dangerous neighborhood.
Shenim:Joschka Fischer, Minister i Jashtm of Germany and vice/chancellors ne yearat 1998–2005.
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