Global warming seems increasingly inevitable. Efforts to stop climate change remain largely on paper, while their effects are becoming increasingly visible.
For this reason, part of the scientific community, being tempted since in addition to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to draft strategies with which to try to editne actively the effects of pollution, via technologywidower that aim to reduce radiation e powerthe solar that is absorbed by our planet.
In English this process called Marrangement of Rrecitation Qsolar (SRM), or Theengineering Diellore, and is currently an area of research very debatable. For critics, the risk is THAT it solution companye do more damagee than himself the problem actualtaking of worsened the effects of ongoing climate changeor producing all new harmful effects.
What about its proponents, climate engineering is one “Plan B“ Important, that must be prepared carefully, and be kept ready in case of international agreements cURRENT for climate protection, will they turn out to be useless. But kis he right? Impossible to accurately stated.
But the front of Po’s has achieved an important victory in recent months: the US government’s budget for this year, provides for the creation of a working groupwhich will be dealt with STUDYn erisks and opportunities of solar engineering, AND the design of official guidelines for their development.
concept that stands behind geo-engineering of the climate, SRM, it’s moree simple. Every day our planet receives energy from the Sun, in the form of light rays. A part of it absorbed from the planet system, and then re-radiated into space during the night as infrared radiation of red.
The rest is reflected by the atmosphere, clouds and the earth’s surface. Nnormally the energy balance of our planet, it is more or less in balance: the amount of energy we receive, it’s almost identical to what we send back into space.
Therefore, anything that affects the amount of energy going in or out will t‘changes the planet’s global temperatures. This is exactly what is happening ALSO with global warming: the greenhouse effect caused by human emissions, yes e increases the amount of heat that is trapped by our atmosphere, AND THAT it is not distributed in space.
on are growing global average temperatures. Pat the momentMrthat’s what we’re trying to achieve, is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere in order to limit the amount of heat that will be trapped in the future by the greenhouse effect, and keep at levels “to tolerable“ increasing temperatures.
E mhowever, there is also another possibility, much more radical: to increase the amount of energy and heat that is reflectedt into space in order to restore heat balance nthe plans, by reduced the amount of heat THAT enterin us. The possibilities are obviously multiple.
But the most discussed methodmonthly emphasis to reduce the solar radiation absorbed by the Earth, called “aerosol interference stratospheric“and includes the release of a layer of reflective particles in the stratosphere, for te Posted again in space part of the solar radiation that reaches it neour planet.
In a way, INTENDED of she is imitated occurring naturally after large volcanic eruptions, which blanket the earth with clouds and gaseous aerosols, cause the fall of unexpected temperature. For example, sthe eruption of the volcano Tambor in Indonesia, caused average temperatures to drop by 3 degrees, causing 1815 to enter in history as “the year without summer“.
One of the most advanced projects in this field, is the one realized by researchers of University of Harvard with their program “ScoPEx“. The goal is to test the technology using a balloon that will release particles into the stratosphere carbonate of calcium, and then monitor the effects on the aspect of reflected radiation again in space, like and chemical interactions with other elements present in space.
The first test was planned for last year in Sweden, but IN last minute committee of ethics of the American university decided tor cancel the experiment, also because of protests from part of the scientific community and populationthe local narean where it was planned release of balloon.
In the following months, there was talk of a new launch date planned for June this year, but at the moment it is impossible to confirm whether the test has been carried out or not. What are they? risks? What bothers you more a significant part of the scientific community,are the many unknowns of a strategy whose results are objectively difficult to predict‘was predictedr.
For example, chemicals released into the atmosphere can interact with other elements already present, such as ozone, and cause chemical reactions that are harmful to the atmosphere, climate or even health. As well, it is not easy to predict the effects that the reduction of light would have Diellit in the environment, esp to plants that need t‘grew up.
more some light, it can reduce the growth of forests and woodlands, or worse morereduce the yield of agricultural landputting food safety at risk of billions of people.
Even if everything goes as hoped, there is ALSO the risk of causing a vicious circle that would lead to addiction geoengineering climate, to avoid the collapse of the planet.
A 2018 study, estimated that the interruption of one radiation on a large scale throughgeoengineeringthe, would cause global warming to rebound at a rate 10 times faster than the current rate, and would be in great danger biodiversity.
Is there sother strategies that can be used? Another approach that is considered very promising is called “The production of Rs DEtar“, is based on distribution of sea salt in the lower atmosphere (especially in the oceans), so that they act as condensation nuclei, creating clouds that will then tor they reflected away from Earth the light of Diellit
Another possible strategy is thinning Rs Cirruse (or dilution of their), that arepresent in the upper troposphereand that in some conditions they can help capture the heat radiated from the surface e Tokes, with results similar to those of the effect greenhouse.
This theory, includes distribution of microparticles that can act as nuclei freezing, thus substances that cause the formation of ice crystals in the atmosphere, for t‘was released in the areas where they form ReTE Cirrus. This should lead to shorter duration clouds, and one more ability SmAll for tor trapping heat, thereby increasing the amount of energy that is radiated into space, and therefore by e lowering the temperature of the planet. – Bota.al
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