Everyone knows her as the Iris of Illyria or Iris Illyrica, a flower of the botanical family Iridaceae native to the historic lands of ancient Illyria.
Iris Ilir is one of the most beautiful evidences of this famous Balkan area that covers Albania, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia and some areas of Serbia.
Irisi Ilir even today grows in wild and natural condition on the same plateaus as thousands of years ago and proves the famous heritage of the first Albanians.
The ancient Illyrians considered Iris a medicinal plant with many values for a variety of health problems including headaches.
The Iris Ilir plant was also believed to have the ability to induce abortion. Parts of this plant were used in antiquity in antiperspirants and in the preparation of perfumes.
The plant grows up to 40 centimeters in height. Blooms from May to June and needs sunlight. Requires a medium moist, fertile and well drained soil. This plant produces seeds very rarely, usually producing ten seeds that ripen in the fall.
The Illyrian wild plant is believed to have been the starting point of the many cultivated varieties of Iris that today adorn our gardens and spaces in summer and spring. Ancient historians explained that the best Iris comes from ancient Illyria. In the Middle Ages, cultivators of this plant crossed the Adriatic and grew it in Italy.
The area of ancient Florence had the Iris as its symbol – in their shields the soldiers wore a white Lily or Iris which shows that the city was famous for growing these flowers coming from the shores across the Adriatic.
The plant in question bears the name of the rainbow goddess “Iris” and as a result the flower has a unique beauty and color. In ancient times, the iris was a symbol of power and greatness. The three petals of the Iris were symbols of faith, ingenuity and bravery.
Cultivation of this flower has resulted in the discovery of several varieties of Iris with high reputation for medicinal values. Dried Iris roots contain a violet-scented essential oil. They are used in perfumes, toothpastes and other cosmetic products as well as in creating a spice pot with multiple flavors.
Dried Iris root has anti-inflammatory properties and as a result is used to cure throat problems and headaches from sinusitis.
Dried Iris root is used to preserve fragrance in powders and home-made cosmetics. Historically, humans have consumed dried iris root in powder form or as an infusion through solutions. But in modern times, the use of dried Iris root is entirely cosmetic.
Iris oil is used using steamed Iris dry root powder. This oil has an intense and very delicate aroma of fresh purple and is very expensive. Used to prepare the most luxurious fragrances, but also purple-based perfumes. Iris extracts have the ability to enhance the aroma of other elements used in creating a perfume./AgroWeb
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