Hydration is one of the essential elements of a healthy lifestyle. Every day our body loses 2 to 3 liters of water from sweating or movement, even as we breathe.
These functions are essential for our survival so we need to compensate for fluid loss.
Maintaining balance is important to avoid dehydration or to avoid water overdose in the body.
Dehydration causes loss of energy, mood swings, dry skin and high blood pressure.
An unhydrated brain needs more effort to function.
Specialists so far have said that we should consume 8 glasses of water a day.
But recent studies show that this amount depends on our body weight and the environment in which we live. The amount we should consume is 2.5 – 3.7 liters per day for men and 2- 2.7 for women.
How the body changes when you drink enough water:
At AgroWeb.org you will learn about all the good effects that occur on the body when you drink enough water.
Best reminder:
Dehydration affects learning ability and mood.
It also affects memory, especially the short-term.
If you drink enough water, you will notice that you will be more focused and attentive.
Consequently, if you drink enough water, your brain will be grateful.
Best Physicist:
People who do physical activity have the water they need to have more strength and a good physique.
Water will help relax muscles, increase energy and maximize your performance.
Less neps:
Drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you to have less neps, especially in the late hours of the night.
Consequently you will keep the weight under control and will not eat products that harm you.
Best digestion:
Water significantly improves digestion and prevents constipation.
After drinking enough water, you will notice that you will be less bloated and will have a good digestion.
Water for healthy skin:
Hydration plays a fantastic role in the health of the skin.
The latter is completely dependent on water to produce new cells.
The effect of water is felt immediately giving it elasticity and moisture./AgroWeb
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