Exchange but also businesses such as markets or fuels have reported to the police for counterfeit banknotes. The most counterfeit turns out to be the euro. During this year alone, the state police have seized 425,500 counterfeit euros in 22 investigated cases.
Counterfeit cash purchases in small denominations occur more often in businesses such as markets or fuels while large denominations of 200 or 500 euros often attempt to break into the exchange using fraud as well. The most commonly encountered denomination on the market is the 200 euro banknote.
“A new trend is the advertising of counterfeit money on social networks where high quality banknotes are advertised that are said not to be seized by the devices. But even here another fraud is hidden, “said Lutfi Minxhozi
“Compared to years ago, there is a growing trend of entering the market of counterfeit banknotes, which according to the police are not produced in the country but come from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Italy. In addition to using the devices that control banknotes, the police also give some tips on how to distinguish people who try to use counterfeit money. ”- said Lutfi Minxhozi
During this year, the police have seized about 10 thousand counterfeit dollars with 100 denominations. While the Lek so far turns out to be the safest currency in the market as the police have not found cases of counterfeiting.
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