The human body has 206 bones, which occupy 14% of our body mass. The Covid-19 pandemic told us that the virus not only affects the respiratory system or blood vessels, but also the skeletal system.
Iris Koshovari, infectious disease doctor: Patients taking Covidine generally in the early stages complain of bone and joint pain that are among the first manifestations of the disease, but also during the course of the disease or longer, may present symptoms associated with pain, redness of the joints. Gradual difficulty in walking is often manifested, and then based on these symptoms are directed to the doctor. In patients who have symptoms of the skeletal system, it is recommended to visit a specialist doctor in order to diagnose Osteopenia or Osteoporosis in time, ie softening of the bones and to avoid complications such as spontaneous fractures.
One of the most disabling problems seen in patients suffering from prolonged Covid symptoms is Vascular Necrosis, which means “death of bone tissue”. Vascular necrosis mainly affects the pelvic bones, the age groups affected by this disease are the category that are hospitalized for a long time by Covid-19 and suffer from severe diseases, or receive prolonged therapy with Cortisone.
Outpatient visits generally involve patients over the age of 50-60 years. However, pain, redness, swelling, difficulty walking, have presented even younger age groups, starting from 3-35 years and above.
In these patients, especially if they are taking Covid, it is strongly recommended that they take Vitamin D and Calcium during the illness. According to the needs, physical exercises, rehabilitation through physiotherapy are recommended, as well as to be systematically followed by a specialist doctor and to undergo examinations recommended by a specialist.
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