Experts warn that a “fatal” drug is being sold by more than 60 distributors on the “dark network” of the Internet.
Carfentanil is believed to be 10,000 times stronger than morphine and is used in veterinary medicine for anesthesia in elephants and bears.
The opium-based drug is reported to be highly toxic and potent, as it was found in 63 distributors selling it online.
Ornella Corazza, professor of science at the British University of Hertfordshire, said in a seminar: “According to our systematic analysis we have found about 100 networks from where drugs can be bought or obtained. “In an age of global uncertainty, I would advise more attention to be paid to these substances and the dark market in which they are distributed.”
Professor David Nutt, a former British adviser on drug abuse, warned that fentanyl drugs – including carpenthenyl – pose a serious problem for both Britain and Europe if distributed as freely as in the US.
“They are a serious threat because they can replace heroin, now that Afghanistan has banned opiate production.”
“The only way to solve the problems with fentanyl is to regulate the drug market and allow them to be less severe so that people do not go to the black market,” Nutt said.
Researchers say it is not only being used as a heroin substitute but traffickers are mixing it with other drugs to enhance the effect.
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