On this March 7, in addition to congratulations, the teachers of Tirana schools received a letter of thanks from the mayor Erion Veliaj. In his message, he expressed gratitude for their hard work and sacrifice in educating the younger generation.
“I bow before you, before your dedication! I honor you for the work, the fatigue, the effort that you have to carry on your shoulders and that you carry with dignity, as I have always humbled, with respect, even in front of my teachers, who once took me by the hand. This time, along with the honor, I want to tell you that you have me by your side. “Because our efforts in the journey of forming the citizens of tomorrow are common, as is reasonable”, he writes.
While expressing the commitment of the Municipality of Tirana, Veliaj assures that, even after the 14 new schools that were opened last year, other schools will be built. “Many of you have the opportunity to directly affect our commitment, our support, the work we have done. They can touch on the 14 new schools we opened over the course of a year. You know very well how nice those new schools are full of light to the names of Lasgush Poradec, Qazim Turdiu, Vaçe Zela, Kristo Frashëri, Hasan Vogli kemi We have already made the promise and we will keep it: we will open many new schools in vijim. Others of you have the direct opportunity to prove that our attention is the same, both for the center schools and those of the suburbs. It is understood by the schools “Feti Fanaj”, “Agron Hysenlliu”, “Myrvete Peza”, “Murat Toptani”. For us, it does not matter “where”, but “to whom” we offer the commitment. And they are the students, all equally valuable, both for you and for us “, he underlines.
Veliaj says that the new schools today are also the Community Center in the service of the community after school. “All together you have the opportunity to prove that the schools of Tirana are no longer buildings, the doors of which open in the morning and close with the bell of the last lesson. Schools, today, are Community Centers, where the time spent on books continues with sports, cultural, social activities… as it is best for students. “As advised by Lincoln, who wanted the teacher to teach his son not only books, but also life”, says the mayor.
At the end of his letter, the mayor Veliaj assures the teachers of the capital that he and the Municipality of Tirana will always be by their side. “You already know that Tirana is the European Capital of Youth. The center of gravity of those capitals that you still hold in your hand to guide them through the best roads where they have to walk. Here, then, I have many reasons to insist that we are a team and with the same commitment we look in the same direction. Dear teacher, You remember, for sure, Lincoln’s father begging for your colleague. “That child is small and good, he is my son,” he wrote. I will change the words a little, but not the essence: Those children are small, others are young. They are good. They are your children, our children. Give the best! You have me by your side “, emphasizes the Mayor of Tirana.
Full letter:
Dear teachers,
As I sit down to write to you, Lincoln’s well-known letter appears to me.
He addresses the indefinite teacher of his son, who is old enough to embark on the most extraordinary adventure of a man’s life; an unknown but beautiful and magical adventure.
My son is still young, it’s still a little while before I can hand him over to you, let him take you by the hand and teach you the things he needs to know, as Lincoln said, gently.
But before that time comes, I have other things to say to you, since you have already taken the students by the hand, who have embarked on the greatest adventure of a lifetime.
I bow before you, before your devotion. I honor you for the work, the fatigue, the effort that you have to carry on your shoulders and that you carry with dignity, as I have always humbled, with respect, even in front of my teachers, who once took me by the hand. This time, along with the honor, I want to tell you that you have me by your side. Because our efforts in the journey of forming the citizens of tomorrow are common, as is reasonable.
Many of you have the opportunity to directly touch our commitment, our support, the work we have done. They can touch on the 14 new schools we opened over the course of a year. You know very well how nice those new schools are full of light to the names of Lasgush Poradec, Qazim Turdiu, Vaçe Zela, Kristo Frashëri, Hasan Vogli…
We have already made the promise and we will keep it: we will open many new schools in the future.
Others of you have the direct opportunity to prove that our attention is the same, both for the center schools and those of the suburbs. It is understood by the schools “Feti Fanaj”, “Agron Hysenlliu”, “Myrvete Peza”, “Murat Toptani”. For us, it does not matter “where”, but “to whom” we offer the commitment. And they are the students, all equally valuable, both to you and to us.
All together you have the opportunity to prove that the schools of Tirana are no longer buildings, the doors of which open in the morning and close with the bell of the last lesson. Schools, today, are Community Centers, where the time spent on books continues with sports, cultural, social activities… as it is best for students. As advised by Lincoln, who sought for the teacher to teach his son not only books but also life.
You already know that Tirana is the European Capital of Youth. The center of gravity of those capitals that you still hold in your hand to guide them through the best roads where they have to walk. Here, then, I have many reasons to insist that we are a team and with the same commitment we look in the same direction.
Dear teachers,
You remember well, for sure, Lincoln father begging for your colleague. “That child is small and good, he is my son,” he wrote. I will change the words a little, but not the essence:
Those children are small, others are young. They are good. They are your children, our children.
Give the best! You have me by your side.
Happy 7th of March!
Erion Veliaj
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